Bubbling Under – A keynote speech about the role of creativity and design in personal path

pe 13.9. klo 09:3010:30
Paikka: Metka Cafe Arabia, Hämeentie 135 B, Helsinki
Kielisyys: Englanniksi
Luennot, Muut
Muotoilu, Muut

Suomenkielinen kuvaus alempana tällä sivulla.



Bubbling Under – A keynote speech about the role of creativity and design in personal path

Marina Barboza, Head of Innovation, Venturus (Brazil)

13.09.2024 at 09.30–10.30
Metka Cafe Arabia (Hämeentie 135 B, Helsinki)

Innovations are like bubbles – you need a certain compound and a subtle environment to create them out of the surrounding substance. What is the role of creative methods like service design in the process of enabling innovations to happen and to support start-ups to break through?

Marina Barboza, Head of Innovation at Venturus and Startup Advisor, began her journey in innovation working in the product teams of startups, where she learned to value an entrepreneurial mindset and a passion for innovation. She also founded the jewelry brand LOBS, featuring a collection that blends noble materials like precious stones and concrete, with the concept of creating wearable works of art. Currently, she leads projects focused on open innovation, entrepreneurship, and diversity. In her keynote, Marina shares her unique career path as an inspirational example of how dreams, creativity, and courage can take you to operate on global levels.

As one of the 90 Day Finn program attendees, Marina has traveled all the way from Brazil to Finland. During her stay here, Marina aims to learn more about the Finnish culture, take a deep dive into Finnish innovation scenes, and build a strong European network.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to meet Marina in person, and to hear her thoughts about the role of creativity and design in one’s personal path!

The event is free of charge, and complimentary coffee & tea is served.


Marina Barboza, Head of Innovation, Venturus (Brazil)MARINA’S CAREER HIGHLIGHTS:

  • Management of an Innovation Hub (La Fabrique) in partnership with Heads of Innovation from other companies (Endered, BNP Paribas)
  • Sponsor of the ESG and Diversity Committee at Ingenico Latin America
  • Currently Startup Advisor and Mentor of the entrepreneurship program at USP
    (Public University of São Paulo)
  • Entrepreneur


Marina on LinkedIn
LOBS Jewellery


Pinnan alla kuplii – Puheenvuoro luovuuden ja muotoilun merkityksestä urapolulla

Innovaatiot ovat kuin kuplia – oikeanlaiset ainekset ja suotuisa ympäristö saavat ne nousemaan esiin ympäristöstään. Miten luovat menetelmät, kuten palvelumuotoilu, voivat edistää innovaatioita ja auttaa startup-yrityksiä menestymään?

Marina Barboza, Venturuksen innovaatiojohtaja, on kokenut asiantuntija design-ajattelun, tuotekehityksen ja monimuotoisuuden sekä avoimen innovaation johtamisessa. Yhtenä 90 Day Creative Finn -ohjelman osallistujista, hän on matkannut Brasiliasta Suomeen tuoden mukanaan laajaa kokemusta vaatesuunnittelusta, korujen valmistuksesta, markkinoinnista ja innovaatiojohtamisesta. Marina jakaa inspiroivan tarinansa siitä, kuinka unelmat, luovuus ja rohkeus voivat avata ovia maailmanlaajuiseen toimintaan.

Keynote-puheenvuoro järjestetään englannin kielellä.

Vapaa pääsy. Kahvitarjoilu. Tervetuloa!



This keynote speech is organized as part of the EU co-funded Digital Creative Industries and Beyond (DCIB) project, which aims to strengthen and advance expertise, sustainability, and ecosystems within the digital creative industries. The DCIB project is part of the HEVinnovations program and the national Innocities network.

Kerro kaverille